2010年11月11日 星期四

10月31日 Jump Seat Ride to Chongqing @ A320

很幸運有這麼的一個 mentor

很幸運的遇到 女機師, 我已經見過總共三個了 .. (out of 6) :)
下一次見到她希望她已經是 captain 

Cruising 時要做的事比我多…

很幸運可以更確定 I want to make it a life long career

Capture a sunset, ride with the wind.
Taste freedom only the eagles have known.
For yours is the freedom of knowing you have flown.



Now,I can see some of the beautiful landscape laid out before me.
Then, after catching my breath I realize that there is a hill, which borders on being a mountain, in the distance and this is the next challenge for me.

In the far distance I manage to discern even bigger and more spectacular mountains, all of them even taller than the one in front of me, and all very far away such that they are given a blue hue by the atmosphere.

This constant personal challenge together with the rich landscape it provides are the beauties and rewards of this profession
 make all the effort worthwhile a thousand times over....