2011年2月17日 星期四


11 年 2 月10 - 15 日

發現很多遊記都沒有完成.. 但.... 隋心吧 ( 其實因為太惰)

The first timt to step on the land of the philippines ..

To me ,it is a land of
smiling face 
friendly people
sunshine !

Met a lot of interesting people in this trips .. never thought of having acompany before ! This trip will not be that great without them ! I am really blessed ...

Clark 16th philippines international Hot Air Ballon Fest +
omni aviation

Day 1 : 天氣不似預期 , 但信心和感覺也回來了....
Day 2 : not enough sleep, feeling dizzy after 50mins ... yet .. performance was good , i can tell improvement myself
Day 3: Vomit
Day 4: Stepping out of the bottom neck , relaxed and getting better
Day 5: Really enjoy and confirm than I love it so so much !!

是次旅遊調整了心情 ..為月底的FG作了很好的準備...

Let picture speck for themselves

I will surely miss everything in the Phillippines ...