2013年4月25日 星期四


迷路 • 卻又再找到了 

..歐洲的流浪 ....

迷失 • 卻又再找到了
感激 • 我還是那個自己

2012年12月16日 星期日


「此時此刻在地球上,約有兩萬個人適合當你的人生伴侶,就看你先遇到哪一個,如果在第二個理想伴侶出現之前,你已經跟前一個人發展出相知相惜、互相信賴的 深層關係,那後者就會變成你的好朋友


在感情對待中,難免有摩擦與無心的傷害,而且論得罪自己的次數累加起來最多的人,當然是跟我們在一起最久、最親近的人; 而新歡呢,又還沒開始有得罪你的機會,再加上他的刻意討好,所以新歡怎麼看怎麼可愛,舊愛怎麼看怎麼討厭。

但別忘了,新歡身上總是有不確定的未知數,舊愛身上就是有難得的熟悉感、確定感、信賴感。 千萬不要隨便在偶然的「際遇」中迷失了自己,錯放了幸福溫暖的手。 所以蕭伯納的話,是要提醒情人不要太鑽牛角尖於尋覓那唯一,應該把精神用在學會經營幸福的能力上,同時也提醒我們「溺水三千,只取一瓢飲」。


2012年5月2日 星期三

Into the Wild

Some people feel like they don't deserve love. They walk away quietly into empty spaces, trying to close the gaps of the past.
Share this quote

2011年12月10日 星期六

Distances brings us closer

Written on 20th Nov 2011

Half year ago, went to Adelaide for the cadet pilot training !
Back to HK yesterday!

Gained a lot throughout the half year !! Not only my technical knowledge but lots of personal growth ! Nothing can actually compared with it ! I have no regret spending the time there !Although the training didn't come the way I expected and the intensive training wasn't easy at all, I treasured every minutes striving for the best with everyone in DA13 !

Leaving may sound a tough decision , It was what I used to think as well . Yes, its a tough decision to make, but its also a good move for myself, I reckon. The pilot training sharpen my personality a lot and make me more ready to face any challenges ahead ....

Will probably still fly the way I enjoy it .... but may not fly commercially .....anyway..its yet to make any solid plan ..

Everyone in DA13 , I know it may come as a shock to you all as well , esp. my housemate and neighbour,but, distance will just brings us closer, isn't it ? Have fun and all the best from me !

And dreams will never end ..

2011年9月17日 星期六


Having been flying for a while, many ups and downs
and I start to love it bit by bit and i start to appreciate the beauty of flying more and more
Today! I tell myself ! I have to be a good pilot ! I will treat my flying more seriously and professionally !

2011年8月15日 星期一


Found this was written in my facebook one year ago ..





2011年8月12日 星期五

My first Love

Having been in Australia to about 3 months ...
No matter where I go , I still compared it with every bits and pieces of Denmark , Copenhagen ...
THen , I discover how much I love this tiny little city ...

I did regret somehow of not spending enough time to appreciate every little bit of it ..
But it may be the regretness that make it even more beautiful ...
I will defintely go back there ...
For its bread..
For its people ..
For its air...
For its grass...
For the bicycle ..
For all the memories...
For the beauty ....
For everything .. deep down in my heart ...

I just love it too much !