2011年2月17日 星期四


11 年 2 月10 - 15 日

發現很多遊記都沒有完成.. 但.... 隋心吧 ( 其實因為太惰)

The first timt to step on the land of the philippines ..

To me ,it is a land of
smiling face 
friendly people
sunshine !

Met a lot of interesting people in this trips .. never thought of having acompany before ! This trip will not be that great without them ! I am really blessed ...

Clark 16th philippines international Hot Air Ballon Fest +
omni aviation

Day 1 : 天氣不似預期 , 但信心和感覺也回來了....
Day 2 : not enough sleep, feeling dizzy after 50mins ... yet .. performance was good , i can tell improvement myself
Day 3: Vomit
Day 4: Stepping out of the bottom neck , relaxed and getting better
Day 5: Really enjoy and confirm than I love it so so much !!

是次旅遊調整了心情 ..為月底的FG作了很好的準備...

Let picture speck for themselves

I will surely miss everything in the Phillippines ...

4 則留言:

  1. Hi! Nice to meet you!
    Just read your blog and find that you are going to be a pilot which is also my dream job.
    However I just failed the KA aptitude test which is soooooooooo difficult. Could you mind telling me how to prepare for it? And how did you prepare for the rest of the screening interviews?
    Thanks a lot! And wish you all the best!

  2. thanks! but recently I'm quite busy, so I will drop you an email later. hope this won't disturb you!
    and nice to chat with u :)

  3. and btw, is your email joycehimhim@gmail.com? thanks!

  4. yes .. free feel to email me ..: )
